Various documents written by popes, councils, and synods on evangelization describe what the Church understands is the nature, purpose, and mission of evangelization. Below is list of documents categorized according to author. Some of these documents may be difficult to understand as well as lengthy, therefore other resources may be available to aide the reader. By clicking the titles of each document you will be re-directed to the entire document on the Vatican website.
EVANGELII NUNTIANDI | This document was written by Pope Paul VI on December 8, 1975. It came after the Second Vatican Council, but sprang from the discussions that took place in the council. This document is often referred to as the foundational document for the New Evangelization, although Paul VI did not coin the term the New Evangelization. |
CATECHESI TRADENDAE | St. John Paul II as author of this document speaks on the nature of catechesis and how it relates to evangelization. At the heart of catechesis is a person, and that person is Jesus Christ. |
EVANGELII GAUDIUM | Written by Pope Francis, this document deals with current issues which get in the way of our mission of evangelization. More importantly he highlights the joy that comes from proclaiming Jesus to others, and the joy that comes from embracing the gift the Jesus offers for us. |