Join Bishop Hanefeldt in praying for the healing all who have experienced abuse by attending the Mass for Healing and Reparation, April 16, 2024. The Mass will be held at The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 112 S Cedar Street, Grand Island, NE.
Livestream available at:
Worship Guide available HERE
“The Cross is the word through which God has responded to evil in the world.
Sometimes it may seem as though God does not react to evil, as if he is silent.
And yet, God has spoken, he has replied, and his answer is the Cross of Christ:
a word which is love, mercy, forgiveness.”
Pope Francis, Good Friday Address, March 29, 2013
Abuse and exploitation are all too common in our struggling world. Christ knows our pain. Through His Passion Christ experienced every conceivable hurt. In His Resurrection Christ shows us the way to hope and healing. Whether you have personally experienced the pain and suffering of abuse, are walking with a loved one who has, or are seeking to find the way to heal our suffering world, please join us in praying The Way: Stations of the Cross for Survivors of Abuse (Sue Stubbs, MS, NCC). Pray along with previously recorded prayers at:
Download Responses Here
Dear God,
We ask you to help all those who suffer from abuse. Help them find healing and peace in their life.
May Maria Goretti, who was strengthened by Your Grace, join with us in prayer for healing of all victims of abuse, particularly those abused as children or young adults.
Grant us your Love that we might reach out to them in Your Name with hope in times of trial.
As Maria prayed for her attacker, grant us the grace to pray for the true conversion of all involved with the abuse, that they might seek Your Mercy through prayer and penance.
Loving God, pour into our hearts and lives your healing Spirit, that the sacredness of every human person might be respected and protected as the precious image of God.
Help us to live in the peace which MariaGoretti had found in Christ and in the love of his mother Mary.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer by Diocese of Corpus Christi
Querido Dios,
te pedimos ayuda para todos los que sufren de abuso. Ayúdalos a encontrar sanación y paz en sus vidas.
Que Maria Goretti, quien fue fortalecida por Tu Gracia, se una con nosotros en oración para la sanación de todas las victimas de abuso, en particularmente aquellos que fueron abusados de níno y jóven.
Concédenos tu amor que podamos alcanzarlos en Tu Nombre con esperanza en tiempos
de aflicción.
Como Maria oraba por su atacante, concédenos la gracia de orar por la conversion verdadera de nuestros abusadores: que encuentren tu misericordia por medio de la oración y penitencia.
Dios Amoroso, derrama en nuestros corazones y vidas con tu Espiritu sanador, que lo sagrado de cada persona humana sea respetado y protegido como la Preciosa imagen de Dios.
Ayúdanos a vivir en la paz que Maria Goretti
encontró en Cristo y en el amor de Su Madre Maria.
Te lo pedimos en el nombre de Jesucristo ,nuestro Señor.
Un Rezo por La Diócesis de Corpus Christi
Healing Prayer at Bedtime Lord Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, go back into my memory as I sleep. Every hurt that has ever been done to me, heal that hurt. Every hurt that I have ever caused another person, heal that hurt. All the relationships that have been damaged in my whole life that I am not aware of, heal those relationships. But, Lord, if there is anything that I need to do; if I need to go to a person because he or she is still suffering from my hand, bring to my awareness that person. I choose to forgive and I ask to be forgiven. Remover whatever bitterness may be in my heart, Lord, and fill the empty spaces with your love. Amen Oración de sanación a la hora de dormir Señor Jesus, a través del poder del Espíritu Santo, vuelve a mi memoria mientras duermo. Cada dolor que me han hecho alguna vez, cura ese dolor. Cada daño que le he causado a otra persona, sana ese dolor. Todas las relaciones que se han dañado en toda mi vida de las que no soy consciente, sanan esas relaciones. Pero, Señor, si hay algo que deba hacer; si necesito ir a ver a una persona porque todavía está sufriendo por mi mano, haz que tome conciencia de esa persona. Elijo perdonar y pido ser perdonado. Quita cualquier amargura que pueda haber en mi corazón, Señor, y llena los espacios vacíos con tu amor. amén